Standing Pilates Seminar READ MORE

“Incorrect habits are responsible for most of our ailments”

Joseph H. Pilates

It is a different way to practice Pilates. All exercises performed in standing position, so instead of lie down on the mat, we step on it.

Practicing standing pilates is not only fun, it’s extremely beneficial for our body for several reasons.

Varvara Solomonidou

Pilates Instructor

Varvara Solomonidou, Wellness Specialist, Personal Trainer, founded ATHENSTRAINERS® & the “ATHENSTRAINERS® ULTIMATE PILATES SYSTEM®”.

Eleni Zachioti

Master Trainer

Eleni Zachioti graduated from the Department of Physical Education and Sport Science with specialty in “Greek Traditional Dance”.

Educational Seminar Standing Pilates

It is a different way to practice Pilates. All exercises performed in standing position, so instead of lie down on the mat, we step on it. Practicing standing pilates is not only fun, it’s extremely beneficial for our body for several reasons.

  • It’s an ideal exercise for anyone, even for those with osteoporosis, since the active gravity and strengthens bones. Patients with this condition may be able to gradually rebuild bone density; therefore, it is great for those who want to prevent this disease.
  • Also, as we are designed to walk and move, by exercising standing up we transfer what we worked in class to our everyday life, so it is a more functional work to our day.
  • It also helps to work our balance. We have a constant natural resistance: gravity; because our body needs it so must find the balance not to fall, which in turn increases the concentration. When we practice standing Pilates, we require a greater use of our brain than just lying still, as the work of balance increases, forcing us to be more concentrated. And when we work on balance, the center of the body is strengthened, achieving wonderful results regarding toning deep abdomen.
  • Finally, performing this training system allows proper alignment of the body, it helps align the spine and strengthens the neck, avoiding the “forward head syndrome”, a very common condition nowadays.

Stand up to Pilates!

Seminar duration

3 - 5 hours

Training material

The student receives a folder with informative material, pen, block and Standing Pilates manual with photos.

Seminar requirements

Pilates Mat Level I Certification



Soon after the end of Standing Pilates, participants receive the Certificate of Attendance. Automatically their names are listed on our website as a Pilates Teacher / Instructor capable of teaching Standing Pilates.



Along with the Certificate of Attendance, the Pilates Teacher/Instructor receives an e-mail with the AthensTrainers® Ultimate Pilates System® logo. The logo can be used to describe a lesson at the gym that works or owns, or in promotional t-shirts, rollups, or banners that accompany his/her Pilates lessons.

Social Media


In our Website,,, there are links to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter & YouTube Account. We will be happy to receive your request or LIKE to the corresponding group and page, post pictures and videos related to the AthensTrainers® Ultimate Pilates System® with the appropriate hashtags.

Suggested bibliography

Anatomy of Movement by Blandine Calais- Germain
Return to Life Through Contrology by Joseph H. Pilates

Pilates Instructors’ Discounts

There will be a 20% discount in all AthensTrainers® educational products (DVD's, Educational Manuals, T-shirts, etc.) along with your registration to a seminar.