Fitball Pilates Seminar READ MORE

“A few well-designed movements, properly performed in a balanced sequence, are worth hours of sloppy calisthenics or forced contortion.”

Joseph H. Pilates

Pilates instructors are very fond of using fitball since it offers body stabilization, balance and control. It can be used as a resistance or as an unstable surface. It can also make an exercise easier.

Fitballs are great for core strengthening, physical improvement and joints protection. There are ideal for functional training and rehabilitation. Due to their versatility they can offer a challenging program.

Varvara Solomonidou

Pilates Instructor

Varvara Solomonidou, Wellness Specialist, Personal Trainer, founded ATHENSTRAINERS® & the “ATHENSTRAINERS® ULTIMATE PILATES SYSTEM®”.

Eleni Zachioti

Master Trainer

Eleni Zachioti graduated from the Department of Physical Education and Sport Science with specialty in “Greek Traditional Dance”.

Fitball Pilates in numbers









Fitball Pilates

Pilates instructors are very fond of using fitball since it offers body stabilization, balance and control. It can be used as a resistance or as an unstable surface. It can also make an exercise easier. Fitballs are great for core strengthening, physical improvement and joints protection. There are ideal for functional training and rehabilitation. Due to their versatility they can offer a challenging program.

Everyone enjoys it since it looks like a toy and has a bright color. The first thing someone usually thinks is “how fun it would be to sit on it and bounce”. You can exercise your entire body with a fitball as effectively as training with Pilates machines. The size of the fitball is important: when seated on it, the hips and knees should be at 90°.

Fitball Pilates Level I Seminar

The first level includes prepilates exercises and 29 basic exercises. There are also variations and modifications according to trainees’ physical condition and injuries. It is ideal for women during and post pregnancy and for people with osteoporosis or elderly.
The first level of fitball training includes a DVD (with all modifications and variations) along with the manual.

Fitball Pilates Level II Seminar

The second level includes advanced exercises which require good control of the center, coordination – synchronization of the of the body and balance. Each exercise comes along with variations, for novices and advanced trainees. A program must work all parts of the body, move the spine in all directions and give the session flow. As a result, you will improve your lessons and increase the abilities and endurance your students.

Seminar Duration

3 - 5 hours

Training Material

The student receives a folder with informative material, pen, block and Fitball Pilates Level I or II manual with photos.

Fitball Pilates Level I Seminar

Seminar Requirements

Mat Program Level I Certificate

Fitball Pilates Level IΙ Seminar

Seminar Requirements

Fitball Pilates Level I Certificate



Soon after the end of Pilates Fitball Level I or II Seminar, participants receive the Certificate of Attendance.

Automatically their names are listed on our website as a Pilates Teacher / Instructor capable of teaching Fitball Pilates.



Along with the Certificate of Attendance, the Pilates Teacher/Instructor receives an e-mail with the AthensTrainers® Ultimate Pilates System® logo. The logo can be used to describe a lesson at the gym that works or owns, or in promotional t-shirts, rollups, or banners that accompany his/her Pilates lessons.

Social Media


In our Website,,, there are links to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter & YouTube Account. We will be happy to receive your request or LIKE to the corresponding group and page, post pictures and videos related to the AthensTrainers® Ultimate Pilates System® with the appropriate hashtags.

Suggested Bibliography

Anatomy of Movement by Blandine Calais- Germain
Return to Life Through Contrology by Joseph H. Pilates
Pilates on the Ball by Ellie Herman

Pilates Instructors’ Discounts

There will be a 20% discount in all AthensTrainers® educational products (DVD's, Educational Manuals, T-shirts, etc.) along with your registration to a seminar.