Pilates Stretching on the Reformer Seminar READ MORE

“Contrology was conceived to limber and stretch muscles so that you will be as supple as a cat”

Joseph H. Pilates

Maintaining-improving flexibility-mobility is essential  in modern, sedentary, digital life.

The INNOVATIVE workshop “Stretching on the Reformer” is a valuable experience,  that will improve the quality of your trainees’ life.

Evangelia Kazlari



All About Reformer in numbers









Stretching on the Reformer

It is addressed to those who WANT to DELVE into flexibility-agility-mobility training on the Reformer in order to:

  • Use the Pilates exercise routine to stretch
  • Use parts of the workshop material as a pre-Pilates exercise program
  • To prepare trainees for a more advanced Pilates repertoire
  • To improve trainees’ athletic performance
  • Speed ​​up recovery processes after an intense workout
  • Deal with the muscle ache and pain
  • To improve the muscle and joint agility-mobility , limiting the chances of injury
  • Reduce trainees’ stress and anxiety through a comprehensive, rejuvenating Stretching on the Reformer course
  • Have an alternative session suggestion for all those times when trainees need a Zen workout

Stretching on the Reformer Seminar 

The seminar includes stretching from a standing position, on the carriage and from a supine position on the carriage.

Training material

The student receives a folder with informative material, pen, block, manual and videos.

Seminar requirements

Pilates Mat Level I Certification.


You will receive the AthensTrainers® Ultimate Pilates System®  Certificate of Attendance. Automatically student’s names are listed on our website as a Pilates Teacher / Instructor capable of teaching Stretching on the Reformer.



Along with the Certificate of Attendance, the Pilates Teacher/Instructor receives an e-mail with the AthensTrainers® Ultimate Pilates System® logo. The logo can be used to describe a lesson at the gym that works or owns, or in promotional t-shirts, rollups, or banners that accompany his/her Pilates lessons.

Social Media


In our Website www.athenstrainers.gr, www.ultimatepilatessystem.gr, www.ultimatepilatesofgreece.gr, www.athenstrainersultimatepilatessystem.gr there are links to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter & YouTube Account. We will be happy to receive your request or LIKE to the corresponding group and page, post pictures and videos related to the AthensTrainers® Ultimate Pilates System® with the appropriate hashtags.

Sugested bibliography

Anatomy of Movement by Blandine Calais- Germain
Return to Life Through Contrology by Joseph H. Pilates
Pilates Reformer by Ellie Herman
Pilates by Rael Isacowitz

Pilates Instructors’ Discounts

There will be a 20% discount in all AthensTrainers® educational products (DVD's, Educational Manuals, T-shirts, etc.) along with your registration to a seminar.